In a hyper-connected world, it's hard to switch off and relax. (OFFTIME) takes this time off(line) to the next level.

In a hyper-connected world, it's hard to focus on something or simply relax without any distracting rings or beeps from your mobile device. We've recently featured several projects such as Recess and Blokket that have addressed the problem and found different solutions to let you finally switch off.
(OFFTIME) takes this time off(line) to the next level. Developed by a young group of internet professionals in Berlin, the app manages and filters incoming calls and messages in a curated, customized manner. For instance, users can choose to block all work emails or calls on weekends to allow them to focus on important real-life stuff. The application responds automatically to callers, and also lists all the missed activities on the phone for later reference.
After successfully completing a crowd funding project, the first beta version of the app for Android has just launched. Check out the video above for more information.