Bionym presents a wristband that identifies the user based on the frequency of his heartbeat and acts as a 'key' for a variety of things.

Everyone loses their keys and forgets passwords. Searching for keys is a pain but that's what the guys from August have already taken care of with their ingenious smart lock. But what about all the virtual keys we lose or forget? Bionym, a company based in Toronto, Canada has refined the idea of alternative authentication.
The new technology, in the form of a wristband, identifies the user based on the frequency of their heartbeat, which like a fingerprint, is unique to every person. When the Nymi app is installed on a smartdevice it detects the individual wristband's signature and unlocks the phone or tablet more conveniently and securely than the traditional number or pattern code.
The app currently works on iOS, Mac, Android and Windows. With various sensors for motion and proximity recognition the wristband is even able to identify you on third party devices, such as cars, hotel room doors or store cash registers, which will make passwords and other PINs practically needless.
