In case you hadn't noticed, it's pretty hot right now. To celebrate, German graphic design magazine, Novum, commissioned Barcelona-based design studio Two Points to create a light-reactive cover for the August issue of the magazine.

The cover features a pasty white tattooed torso that turns a sun-burnt shade of pink when exposed to UV light. To achieve this effect, the cover was screen printed with photochromic ink. The idea for the cover came to Two Point’s designers Lupi Asensio and Martin Lorenz when they saw “a group of sun-starved German men on the terrace of a café in Barcelona.” As milky white tourists turned to lobster red under the bright, blue Spanish sky, the duo were inspired to create an image that not only represented but physically mimicked the result of too much sun exposure. The designers hope that once this cheeky cover is published “the sun will shine a little in northern Europe.”
It's a neat idea and and an interesting example of a physical publication getting creative with what is often perceived as a limited medium.