For most beer brands, their age old history is something leveraged to prove their excellence. When a new beer comes along, it has to come up with more inventive ways of standing out among its storied counterparts. NOAM is a brand new beer which turns to traditional Bavarian craftsmanship and combines it with beautiful design for a new beer drinking experience.

Boasting a light and refreshing taste, the lager is characterised by floral and savoury notes attributed to the use of the "Smaragd" hops. The beer is created using the finest ingredients locally sourced from the Hallertau region of Bavaria in Germany and is neither stabilised nor filtered but aged via a six week process.

To match the high standards of craftsmanship employed in the brewing process, NOAM-founder Daniel Noah Sheikh wanted a bottle that reflected the same values. Opting for an Italian glass bottle, the design forgoes loud branding for an understated and timeless exterior, the result of a collaboration with Swedish creative consultancy ACNE.