If you haven't checked our third issue of the Protein Journal yet, click here to read David Bausola's take on data and identity, in particular the significance of online personas and the bizarre way his Twitter bot’s began developing personalities. It's fascinating, and clearly identity is a tricky subject... Who are we really? What defines us?

Well, what if we told you that for the cost of one organic egg you could become a completely new person? As part of The Status Project, if you attend the New Identity Workshop you can learn how to do just that, and create an entirely new identity. On the condition that it is not used for illegal purposes, in the United Kingdom it is entirely lawful to change not only your name but also construct a new identity completely separate from who you currently are. If you’re trying to lay low, are an undercover police officer, a victim of harassment or have a stalker that just won’t quit, this one is for you.

The New Identity Workshop is on the 27th April 2011 at Bristol‚Äôs St Werburghs Community Centre.  To find out more visit The Status Project.