The advent of 3D printing has created an opportunity of further customisation for consumers. Following in the footsteps of Adidas, New Balance have become the next sports footwear company to employ the technology. Teaming up with Massachusetts design firm Nervous Systems, the data of several runners was captured using a grid of underfoot sensors that record the force that the foot strikes the ground as it pushes off.
This information lead them to be able to personalise the soles, and in turn enhance performability.

Nervous Systems looked to nature for inspiration and observed naturally occurring foams such as wood and bone, applying a similarly porous design to the 3D-printed soles. "Foam structures are three-dimensional arrays of cells," said Nervous System. "They have a low relative density and are highly porous, giving them the unique property of being both lightweight and strong." Using laser sintering the soles were created featuring areas of smaller, more densely packed holes where support is required most.

New Balance footwear featuring 3D-printed soles will go on sale April 2016, with customizable versions available from 2017.