Biofeedback gaming makes a surge forward with horror adventure game that tracks your stress levels

Adrenalin-fueled horror games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Dead Island are commonplace in the gaming market now, but what if your own level of fear could change how difficult the game became? Nevermind is a horror adventure that monitors changes in your heart rate – the more afraid you are, the higher those difficulty levels rise.
Tasked with investigating the subconscious minds of trauma victims, players must solve puzzles and navigate eerie labyrinths as the game progresses. As a fear-inducing piece of entertainment, Nevermind appears to deliver. But it could also have hidden health benefits; as a potentially useful tool to practise stress and anxiety management techniques.
Nevermind is currently designed to function with a Garmin heart monitor strap. The aim is to support as many biofeedback sensors as possible – a step towards making biofeedback and virtual reality the next big thing in gaming. To find out more about Nevermind, head over to its Kickstarter.
