Under the moniker The Luxury of Protest data-inspired graphic artist Peter Crnokrak has released his latest piece “Never Forever Never for Now”. Cerebral, immense and beautiful as always, “Never Forever Never for Now” sets to visualise the transient nature of empire.

The visualisation graphs all known empires, colonies and territorial occupations from 2334 BCE to the present day. Each empire occupies a slice of the pie graph with a known start (+) and end (×) date. Each slice is assigned a transparency value of 10% allowing for concurrent empires to be visualised – the more empires that occupy the same period of time in history, the whiter the graph.

"As history progresses, humankind’s competition for wealth, resources and the relentless drive toward conquest and occupation can be clearly seen in the graph", says Peter. Take a look at the The Luxury of Protest for more of Peter's work and watch our recent Profile with him discussing his creative process and the effectiveness of data visualisation in communication.