NeuroOn Sleeping Mask
A polyphasic sleeping mask promotes less sleep and increased productivity, whilst putting an end to jet lag

Inspired by historically prolific geniuses with polyphasic sleep patterns, three young Polish entrepreneurs have built the world's first sleep control system for polyphasic sleep, promoting multiple power naps throughout the day instead of one longer sleeping phase at night.
According to the creators of the NeuroOn sleeping mask, people like Da Vinci and fellow ingenious polyphasic sleepers reduced their amount of sleep to 2 to 6 hours a day without the slightest feeling of energy loss. That would technically mean an extra day of productivity per week! The mask measures biological signals such as brain waves (EEG), muscle tension (EMG) and eye movement (EOG), directly from the body to wake the user up at the right times, while a smartphone app connected through low-energy bluetooth records and calculates individual sleep patterns based on the collected data.
Not only does NeuroOn promise a significant gain of energetic productivity but its creators also claim it can put an end to annoying tiredness associated with jet lag.
