In redesigning the exterior and interior of Siam Discovery, Japanese design studio nendo have created a concurrent concept resulting in a more creative retail experience.

Modern day consumers can no longer be satiated by the conventional precepts of consumerism. Increasingly, individuals are displaying a preference for experience and dynamic interaction. Department stores in particular can fall prey to a feeling where impersonality and ennui reign.

Siam Discovery, the new Bangkok-based flagship store from The Siam Piwat retail group, attempts to avoid this common issue and address the nascent consumer trend by refurbishing both the exterior and interior of the 40,000 square foot space.

Dubbed a hybrid between a mall and a department store, the redesign was undertaken by innovative Japanese design studio, nendo.

Existing over four levels, Siam Discovery has been divided into 13 divergent areas. The curation of each environment is based on a different lifestyle experience. For example, the "lifestyle laboratory” contains molecular images, beakers and test tubes.

“Retail is not about shopping any more, it's about creating an ever-changing experience for customers so it feels very dynamic and energetic," explained Siam Piwat CEO Chadatip Chutrakul.

nendo’s previous retail facing work includes the redevelopment of Milanese department store la Rinascente, though they have also turned their hands to pet accessories and handblown Coca Cola-inspired kitchenwear.