More and more types of wearable technologies are starting to emerge, some of them gaining traction quite rapidly, but none like NECLUMI, an ever-changing necklace that draws a veil over the physical side of technology.
Developed by the Polish new media and design collective, panGenerator, this unique piece of ‘jewellery’ consists of nothing else than mesmerising glitters of light. The interactive necklace uses a pico projector and a bespoke iPhone app to project on the wearer’s chest the desired digital pattern. A couple of features make this accessory even more amazing: it uses the smartphone’s built-in gyroscope, accelerometer and pedometer to react in real time to the body’s general movement and walking speed, and also a microphone to respond to the wearer’s voice.
NECLUMI suggests that the most interesting pieces of technology are actually the ones that manage to make technology invisible to the eye.
