Music Drop is a new project from creative agency Left Field Labs that offers users the ability to build their own music box. Music Drop's simple website interface invites you to compose your ‘digital drop’ tune with a 16-note grid that uses an online HTML5 music software editor to create different chords by clicking the squares of the grid which represent different notes in the scale. The music is then converted into a 3D-printable file using WebGL. The last step involves choosing between three different colours.

In less than five minutes you can create your own finger powered, tear-shape music box and even give a title to your masterpiece. The agency 3D prints out the pieces, hand assembles them and ships them to directly to you. Left Field Labs explain on their Facebook page that their goal is not to commercialise the product but “to create an experiment that would let individuals experience the opportunity for customisation that 3D printing provides”. Taking a similar approach of creating tactile music devices is the Little Music Boxes project we looked at a while ago, however Music Drop is takes things in a different route by incorporating the 3D printing and customisation elements.