Murmur is an interactive installation that marries physical and virtual reality by turning sounds into visuals. The device encourages visitors to speak into a luminous funnel and then follow their whispers as they hit a specific point on a wall. Upon impact the light pulses, and the words transform into a graphic animation.

”There is a magical effect, a mystery in the way that sound waves move. Murmur focuses on this movement, thus creating an unconventional dialogue between the public and the wall.”

To create this installation Chevalvert  (who also helped design L-Ink) teamed up with 2Roqs, Polygraphik and Splank. For programming they used openFrameworks on Raspberry Pi. Murmur debuted on the 25th of May at Nuit Numérique #10 at the Saint-Exupéry Cultural Centre in Reims, France.