Imagine a future where your smartphone and fashion accessories combine to give you total control over your personal synaesthetic branding. It's actually probably not that big a leap of imagination but nevertheless it's refreshing to see the concept already taken to prototype level at Keio-NUS CUTE center, a media lab collaboration between between Keio University in Japan and National University of Singapore.

Yongsoon Choi has developed a set of glasses that emit perfume and sound a jingle of your choosing when you come into proximity with another person sporting a similar pair of glasses. The glasses communicate with your smartphone through bluetooth and utilise infrared sensors to detect when you meet someone else sporting the shades. Once triggered, your name, digits and scent/sound preferences are pinged to their handset, triggering the matching response in their headgear.

There is nothing revolutionary about scent signalling your personality, nor indeed is the concept of sonic branding new to anyone; indeed at a personal level it's been ubiquitous since Nokia let us edit our ringtones. However the idea of a networked fashion accessory that combines olfactory and acoustic imprints with your smartphone is an interesting development of the personalisation trend. The prototype is playful and represents a notable combination of data sensualisation and e-textiles.

And let's not ignore the elephant in the room, those glasses wouldn't go amiss in Shoreditch now would they?