MSCHF has bought a cow called Angus and you get the chance to save him:

Angus is a few months old - and we’re preselling him as 1200 burger patties and 4 leather handbags, to be produced in 2 years when he reaches slaughtering age. In 2024, you get a metal Angus Token; in 2026 you get burgers and bags. HOWEVER purchasers may voluntarily give up their order to save Angus. If >50% of pre-order interest is given up, Angus will be re-homed to a Home for Happy Cows, and all proceeds from the sale will fund his worry-free retirement.

Angus was destined for slaughter from the moment of his conception. His circumstances are only improved by this project. Our Cow Angus constructs an artificial circumstance in which remorse becomes actionable. When the post-purchase glow wears off and you’re staring down the barrel of 2 years of pathos-laden updates on Angus as he grows up you can in fact concretely reverse your consumer choice.

Our Cow Angus fulfills the fantasy of market mechanisms for social change. If you want Angus to live, in defiance of man and industrial production, then your path is clear-cut and commercial: buy Angus Tokens and give them up in the Remorse Portal. Conscious Consumerism actually can win this one. On the other hand, Le Vache Qui Meurt is looking mighty tasty out there.