Moments of Warmth
A Duracell installation encourages commuters to generate heat by joining hands, creating human circuits

Combining the notions of emotional and physical warmth, this new installation from Duracell has been created to take the chill out of the Canadian winter.
Public transport is typically the domain of averting your eyes and solitary Metro reading, but Duracell’s Moments of Warmth is an installation that encourages commuters to get better acquainted and cooperate if they want solace from the cold.
Created by Quebec agency Cossette, this bus stop has inbuilt heaters to combat Montreal’s sub zero winter conditions, but they only become functional if the people inside work together to complete a circuit. If two or more people join hands and press the sensors on the walls, electricity flows through the human conductors, activating four internal heating vents which flood the interior with warmth for several minutes.
The project is intended to bring people together to achieve a common goal in areas that may otherwise be devoid of real human interaction.
