Bernardo Schorr, a New York City based Creative Technologist and student in Parsons’ MFADT program believes that through digital augmentation, we can avoid the sensation of confinement within an overpopulated world. In order to demonstrate this, Schorr came up with Mixed Reality Living Spaces, a project designed to utilise computer graphics, photography, and video to cast projections onto surrounding walls, with the intention to transport occupants of perhaps less than inspiring spaces to somewhere a little more pleasant.

The illusion of windows, paintings and portraits create the sensation of different spaces within a single, small environment. The projections can respond and change according to the weather, time of day, placement of furniture and the specific needs of the person. The room itself then becomes modular, acting as a bedroom, dining room and kitchen all at once without feeling overly claustrophobic. With the world population expected to rise , Schorr is focused on demonstrating how small living spaces can be adaptable for what he believes is an inevitably overcrowded future.