MINI have ventured into digital innovation with their latest augmented reality eyewear

Experimenting with the virtual, MINI revealed its augmented reality eyewear, set to transform the driving experience. Embracing one of the major trends of the future, MINI Augmented Vision overlays your field of vision with digital graphics to enhance the way we see the world.

Going forward as the first auto company with a grasp on digital innovation, drivers will be able to see through the chassis of the car, promoting a safe driving experience. “MINI Augmented Vision was developed as a research prototype to demonstrate the potential of linking up visionary AR glasses to vehicles,” explains Dr. Jörg Preißinger, Project Manager for MINI Augmented Vision, BMW Group Research and Technology. “In future, the system will continue to be developed and honed with the aim of turning the vision into reality.” Many of the technologies used are still undergoing development, meaning that the goggles are still in prototype stage at present, however the company claims that they could go into production in the next few months.

To coincide with MINI’s digital venture, Parisian art direction platform Ill Studio have developed a video parody challenging the realm of augmented reality and technology. Virtual reality immersion is fast integrating its way into our every day lives. With The VOID's recently launched reality theme park taking gaming to the next level, consumers can now experience the world in a more immersive way.