Today the best conversations in a friendship or relationship may happen over Facebook chat. Unfortunately, Instant chatting is a bit of an ephemeral and finicky medium, prone to blip-outs and lost data. Email, too, is not forever.

Enter Memeoirs, the book-making service based in Povo, Italy that can write the epistolary novel of your online life.The interface for Memeoirs is incredibly simple; you can simply connect your Facebook account to the service and select the person whose conversations with you you’d like included in the book. The process is automated, so no human will pry into your love letters (the company has taken on couples as its target audience, with endearing success stories on their website of how their clients fell in love over email).

The promotional imagery for the books seems like an exchange between some very eloquent people; not the regular chats that full of emojis and LOLs. It remains to be seen whether there will be a demand for this service. Still, even the least articulate exchanges can form a valuable portrait of yourself at a certain point in life that could be worth saving for posterity. Other services like seem suited to the more staccato messages exchanged between young people, preserving them as scrolls instead of traditional books.