In the latest Protein Journal one of our Observations was how Post-Internet art has broken out of the screen and is finding its way into physical galleries. One of the ways artists have succeeded in doing this is by creating an offline experience that is not only sympathetic to the digital work but also enhances it.

French artist Miguel Chevalier has gone all out in exhibiting his latest work entitled Magic Carpets, by projecting the artwork into the octagonal courtyard of Castel Del Monte in the Apulia region of Southern Italy.

Chevalier’s work, an interactive digital animation of medieval tapestries mixed with psychedelic colours and waves is inspired by the tradition of the mosaic which has a strong presence in Italy. The pixels in the projection move with the music (by Jacopo Baboni Schilingi) to form lava and amoeba-like movements and shapes, which react to the movements of the visitors walking on it.

Chevalier cleverly creates an immersive alternative universe by juxtaposing the modern digital art of Magic Carpets against the ancient architecture of 1240AD.