Come check out Katinka Herbert's latest exhibition SLAM! Lucha Libre’s Superheroes of the Ring

To celebrate the release of international portrait photographer Katinka Herbert's latest photo book Slam!, we'll be exhibiting the works in Protein's Studio 2. The brilliant series explores the theatrical lives of Mexican luchadors.

“With a father in the film industry and a sister in the circus I grew up amongst circus freaks and soft porn flicks, as well as idolising characters such as Evil Knievel and Giant Haystacks,” explains Herbert - her fascination with Lucha Libre dating back to childhood. “They perform. It’s in their bones, beaten over time and worn on the face, never to be seen. Beneath this veil they are a mess - each forehead a riot of scar tissue, a trophy to a life of self-harm.  For eight years I’ve been in and out of the ring; their dressing rooms; their homes, and their alter ego lives to document these modern day gods of Mexican society.”

Herbert was given unrivalled access to these strangely hyper-masculine stars and the result is SLAM, part art book, part fun book, and a total labour of love.

The free exhibition will run 9th - 12th July, 10am - 5pm.