Corning is the American glass and ceramics manufacturer currently at the forefront of the latest advances in technology. For those still enamoured by their iPads, Corning has taken touch screen technology up a notch or two.   If you're not already on the smart phone band wagon, this is going to blow your mind; glass that has the ability to function as a television, computer and mobile phone. Check out the video above to see for yourself, as Corning look to redefine all notions you currently have of 'smart' technology.   Is the future really checking emails in the bathroom mirror whilst brushing your teeth? We think it’s an amazing advancement but their tagline of ‘solving tomorrow’s problems today’ is perhaps a little heavy. With the time away from emails and a computer screen shrinking rapidly with the advance of faster smart phones, tablets and laptops - maybe solving tomorrow's problems tomorrow isn't so bad.   The integration of technologies into an everyday material like glass has also been developed by the likes of Samsung whose transparent screens we featured a while back here. Technology really is now at the very tip of our fingers. Question is, do we actually want to use it?