LEO The Maker Prince
A kid's book that lets readers print out toys of the characters, designed to inspire a new generation of makers

LEO The Maker Prince aims to inspire the next generation of makers by telling the story of a young prince and his encounter with 3D printing. Drawing on the narrative of creativity in the classic children's book The Little Prince, designer Carla Diana thinks it's crucial for children to become familiar with the technologies of the future now if they're to be the next makers.
For those kids fortunate enough to have access to a 3D printer, the book comes with downloadable, 3D-printable files of the book's characters, meaning readers can create tangible models of the characters they're reading about, adding a whole new level of immersion and attachment in the story.
Like The Jorgits, LEO The Maker Prince is a contemporary reworking of the traditional book form aimed at kids. It's also a simple and appealing way to engage younger generations with emerging technologies, and get them excited about the possibilities it holds.
