For their 175th year, luxury brand Hermes have just opened a new exhibition at the Royal Academy celebrating their lengthy relationship with leather, aptly named 'Leather Forever'. Designed by Alexandra Plat, the exhibition is the ultimate hommage to the world of leather, with all aspects of the Hermes craft process celebrated and explored in-depth.

The exhibition is spread over 12 rooms, with each room dedicated to a different aspect of the brand. Upon entering, visitors are greeted with a 'room of skins', with colourful leathers draped across walls and surfaces. In the following room, craftspeople from the Hermes workshop in Paris sit in an on-site workshop demonstrating the intricate craft process the products entail. A 'sunset-lit desert room' equipped with sandy floor and tented display showcase travel-related accessories, while a winged saddle hangs in pride of place in a room entitled, 'When dreams become reality.' Ending the exhibition is a decadent stage curtain which open to reveal four one-off bags dedicated to the four corners of the British Isles (a green bag with shamrock motif for Ireland, for example).

Like the 'Beauty in the Making' exhibition we mentioned a few weeks ago, this is a great example of a brand celebrating their craft through a physical exhibition and championing the 'making' process in its own right. It's open until May 27th so head down and check it out for yourself.