Translate voice recordings to their emoji equivalent with the new app, SpeakEmoji.

If you have difficultly deciphering your aubergine from your latin dancer, and sometimes wonder what the smiling shit truly means, SapientNitro’s new app might just be the thing for you. Created with confused parents in mind, the app uses your device’s microphone to record what you say and translate it into emojis, making it ideal for easy parent-to-teenager communication.

As what’s essentially the first english-to-emoji app translator, SpeakEmoji is intended to help parents break through their kids’ smartphone trance by speaking to them them in their own language - emoji.

It’s all a bit silly and pointless but does fully cement 2015 as the year of the emoji. Nowadays, to communicate with Gen Z, you need to speak in their language.

Check out our observation on the rise of emoji as the world’s first global language.