Bring typographic flair back into your life
We love emails. Around the world we send 205 billion every day, with the idea of waiting a day or two for physical mail – or actually speaking to you colleagues – now a complete novelty. But there’s always been one age-old communication that email can never replace: inspired by the task of writing to his Grandma, ECAL designer Nicolas Nahornyj created Lazy Pen, effectively combining the intimacy of handwriting with the ease of typing.

Using a Macbook installed into a desk with a word processing interface, two 3D-printed joysticks are used to allow the intuitive, haptic aspect of handwriting to be present. Sitting just in front of the keyboard, they allow data from wrist movements to distort and modify a basic skeleton typeface in real time in order to mimic the nuances of the user’s hand. Nahornyj designed the project with the aim of bringing a personal, physical aspect to online communication, which seems to be an emerging trend. HTTPrint is another project which brings the online to the physical world by printing your browser history, and our audience survey shows that consumers are rethinking their digital diets.