Larry Clark, king of capturing teenage sexuality, violence and drug use is showing at the Simon Lee Gallery till 2nd April. The photographer and filmmaker best known for his seminal film Kids (1995) started working on collages around the same time he started filming, with the collages in turn living in a way as story boards. Drawings, personal notes, photographs, newspaper clippings...all included in his nostalgia-infused pieces, which document dysfunctional families and general exploitation of teenagers by the mass media.

What do you do for fun? will feature works spanning the ‘90s including 209 photographs from his book 1992, which had a limited printing of 1000 copies. I want a baby before u die (2010) will also be on show, bringing in some of his newer works too. This exhibition follows Larry Clark's controversial and critically acclaimed retrospective Kiss the Past Hello at the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris last year.