We've seen ideas, some serious, some not so serious, that are taking on the ambitious, and perhaps foolhardy task of trying to tear us away from our phones. For example Focus was a fashion line featuring clothes that blocked phone signal, then we've also seen the Cell Phone Nullifier, a beer bottle that prevents you using your phone when you're out drinking.

Now a new bar in Paris is taking the anti-social media sentiment a little more seriously by enforcing a strict no-Facebook, no-Twitter policy. L'isolé, located in the Pigalle district and designed by art studio Le Creative Sweatshop, is aiming to get people to engage with those around them, and the space, rather than being constantly distracted by whatever's going on on their phone.

It's interesting to see spaces and establishments making such a serious statement of taking a stance against the proliferation of online services like these, as before, most anti-social media activity has had an element of gimmickry about it.