Los Angeles-based start up Verisart has launched a self-titled app which allows you to certify and verify physical artworks    

For those who create physical and digital art, the ability to verify its authenticity can make or break the work long term.

Los Angeles-based start up Verisart has launched a self-titled app for certifying and verifying physical artworks. The platform will enable independent artists to create certificates of authenticity in two easy steps via the free app which is available on the iTunes Store.

By using Blockchain technology, Verisart aims to foster a platform that acts as a decentralised register for the world's art, prints multiples, books and collectibles.

It’s time for artists and collectors to take control of their records and Verisart provides a free and easy way to generate certificates that new standards in security and longevity – Robert Norton CEO of Verisart.

The real time airtight verification process it offers will do away with questions of authenticity and ownership that still prove problematic for the art industry, making the work included on Verisart’s worldwide database more attractive to buyers and sellers alike.