From good music to interesting destinations, word of mouth is the best way to discover new things. No matter how big the brand name is behind a guide (Peroni, Louis Vuitton, PUMA), the references we trust most come from the people we know. Some travel guides do this better than others (Valet, for example, is like a cool guy you pay a little to hang out with).

Dutch airline KLM is offering a travel guide that outsources "where to go and what to do" to your friends. In theory, all you have to do is visit KLM's Must See Map microsite, pick your destination city and encourage your friends to tell you where to go via social media. If they've already planned a trip to that city and added destinations, you can nab those too. Once you're done, KLM will print your map and mail you a hard copy.

Kudos to KLM for offering a guide service and sidestepping 95% of the work that goes into making most guide services. Bigger kudos to our social network for picking up the slack! Hopefully they won't steer you wrong...