Between March 16th and July 8th, The Brooklyn Museum in New York is showing the first large-scale exhibition of renowned artist Keith Haring's early work. Haring, best known for his bold, colourful graphic work, started off his career in the late 70s - this exhibition chronicling work from 1978-1982. The range of work includes works on paper, experimental video, and over 150 archival objects, including rarely seen sketchbooks, posters, and documentary photographs.

To generate a buzz around the exhibition, the museum is giving fans a sneak peek into his journal and sketchbook by posting scans of them online. Every day for the duration of the show they are scanning and uploading a single page, accessible via a tumblr site. By doing so, the curators are giving fans a more personal look into Haring's creative world whilst building excitement about the project through the gradual release of images.

In a similar way to The Lively Morgue blog by New York Times which we wrote about in February, this campaign by The Brooklyn Museum illustrates how tumblr can be harnessed as an accessible platform with which to engage fans. Check it out here.