Having an authentic, local experience is what most travellers look for when in a foreign city. But finding the locations, or the locals, to recommend the very best places to go to can often be a confusing, contradictory task. Whose judgement is best, family or friends? TripAdvisor’s or the next-door neighbour’s? Who knows? Kate, apparently.

Kate’s Goodness is the latest personal recommendation guide to join the likes of Farfetch and Scouted. Whilst this isn’t a groundbreaking idea in itself, Kate’s Goodness has turned the personal guide into a personal marketplace, where tips and local knowledge are currency and visuals are at the forefront. The format is very much Instagram inspired with writers from each city submitting pictures of their locations accompanied by brief descriptions. The “Goodness” is the currency of the app, with users either selecting whether a location deserves “Goodness” or “Not Quite” with  “Goodness Gold” being awarded to users for voting and sharing. The standing of each post on the app also depend on the amount of “Goodness” they’re awarded.  Interestingly, a location can only be written about once, so users are able to claim a sense of ownership over their favourite spots - if they’re able to submit them first.

As we explore in our travel report, technology and locality are very much at the heart of contemporary travel experiences. The modern traveller looks for a smoother, tech-aided experience that is able to provide bespoke, authentic insight at a moment's notice.