Thanks to Vine and video on Instagram, sharing video with friends and family has never been easier. And, like MixBit, JumpCam is taking the concept of video sharing further. By allowing users to collaborate with up to 30 other people, unique 10-second clips can be combined and edited, Final Cut Pro-style, into a single video. Which, naturally, can then be shared with social networks to your heart’s content.

Editing options include use of various filters and the addition of music, all of which are done on the cloud. As a result, collaborating on a video is fairly speedy, taking just 20 seconds for edits to register.

Boasting the ability for authors to hand pick contributors – from a select few friends to the entire JumpCam community – this new app for iPhone is giving users the ability to create organic, ever-evolving video for extended periods of time, with the emphasis firmly on creative collaboration. It's interesting to see social media apps taking their ability to connect us and using that to build new avenues for creativity.