Time to roll up your sleeves, clock in and get started. The Work Report's shift is about to start and it means business. The latest issue of the Protein Journal takes a look at the rapidly evolving nature of employment in today's, and perhaps more crucially, tomorrow's world. As we begin our uphill slog out of a global recession, does "earning a living" mean what it used to? How have our attitudes and expectations shifted as technology takes on greater chunks of the workload? Do we even care about the same things our parents did? And if not, what does that mean for how we pay our way?

Alongside all that we'll also be looking at some of the most exciting cultural innovators and ideas about right now. This issue features a discussion with Kanye West’s world renowned set designer, Es Devlin – the woman responsible for the Olympic Closing Ceremony in London, and sending Miley Cyrus sliding down her own tongue – on the future of the music industry and the resurgence of the live experience. We also talk to Dominic Wilcox, whose hilarious, surreal inventions have gained him a wide array of fans, from Selfridges to Jaffa Cakes to super models.

All this, and a whole lot more only in the Work Issue of the Protein Journal. Take an exclusive look inside and subscribe now.