Online Ticketing for Forum: The Future of Work powered by EventbriteOn Tuesday the 15th of April we'll be holding a very special event celebrating the release of the latest issue of the Protein Journal, this time taking a look at the rapidly evolving nature of employment in today's world. As we begin our uphill slog out of a global recession, does 'earning a living' mean what it used to? How have our attitudes and expectations shifted as technology takes on greater chunks of the workload? Do we even care about the same things our parents did? And if not, what does that mean for how we pay our way?
However before we celebrate the issue launch we'll be holding a Forum looking at the Future of Work. Discussing a one of the emerging issues we look at in the Journal, this Forum will explore how people are educating and preparing themselves for a more competitive, diverse workplace. To help us get to the bottom of this, we've invited along four expert speakers to shed some light on the topic at hand.

Jonathan Barnes of Hyper Island, an institution that helps businesses educate and inspire their workforce.
Femi Bola, Director of Employability and Student Enterprise at the University of East London.
Mark Lester, of FutureLearn, a service that offers free, online educational courses to help people continue gain new skills throughout their life.
Ansel Neckles from Let's Be Brief, a a professional development platform for individuals and businesses within the creative industry.

Forum starts at 7pm, Launch Party starts at 9pm.
31 New Inn Yard,