With the work of comedians such as Larry David and Louis CK the melding of scripted comedy into reality has been progressing. It's as if the self-referential joke within a joke comedy Andy Kaufman was amusing himself with in the seventies has finally caught up with us. To further blur the lines between reality and fiction, sixteen years after Seinfeld – the original 'show about nothing' ended– you can finally burst into Jerry's apartment and help yourself to cereal just as Kramer used to do. Jerry's Place is a non profit virtual reality game designed for the Oculus Rift by creator Greg Miller.

Stating urban exploration and software engineering as hobbies, Miller used this project as a way of learning the Blender 3D modelling platform as well as the flexible game engine Unity. Offering the fans of the show the opportunity to engage with the space the actors occupied for so many years could only be the beginning. One day perhaps you could walk into Cheers and buy a drink off Sam Malone, or babysit the Cosby kids.