Nostalgia, is everywhere. It's like an old flame that keeps popping up in our lives, seducing us with memories of better times. For years, we've seen trends from bygone eras trickle back into popular culture.

From music to tech to entertainment to design to food, the allure of recent history has seeped into all facets of our lives. Gen Z is even nostalgic for eras they never lived through, embracing trends from the 90s and 2000s with an insatiable hunger. But are we slowly self-cannibalising our past? Is nostalgia the enemy of the new? Is originality in decline? Is culture stuck?

We covered:

  • The macro forces giving rise to nostalgia
  • What pining for a bygone era means for culture
  • The problem with nostalgia
  • Nostalgia and brands — do's and dont's
  • The role of archives and heritage