The 94-year old is the latest to dive into the world of wearable tech with her new range of jewellery that monitors health and physical activities. Despite approaching her centennial year, age has not at all deterred Iris Apfel from taking a leap into the world of wearable tech. It's booming business at the moment, and as the 94 year old is an entrepreneurial businesswoman by trade it's a shrewd move for her to make her mark in the industry.

Dubbed the "Wisewear" collection, Apfel understands the needs and wants of her consumers. The line is comprised of three alternative styles, the “classic” Kingston, the “modern” Duchess and the “body and edgy” Calder, all of which could easily be mistaken for fine jewellery - as is certainly the intention. Each piece comes in either a gold or silver finish, and Apfel already has plans to extend the range to include more statement pieces, necklaces, brooches and men's accessories.

Like most wearable tech, Wisewear tracks your activity throughout the day so you can stay on top of your wellness, along with sending real time texts, emails, calendar reminders and more. This is common among most products of this ilke but what distinguishes it from the majority of other wearables is its distress setting. This enables the user to send a signal to people of your choosing, along with a geolocation and sound/video recording of your surrounding, all at the touch of the button.

“While technology is measured by the ability to invent something new, something novel, fashion is measured by the ability to introduce a design that can remain forever classic,” Apfel asserted. “Novelty can compete with tomorrow, but to create something classic is timeless innovation.”

You can purchase the styles for $300 each, and they're available now from the Wisewear website.