For each issue of the Protein Journal we interview our favourite innovators, technologists and designers and quiz them on a particular topic. For this summer’s Performance Journal we grilled a selection of sporting’s finest about The Future of Sport.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Charlie Dark and I’m a  poet, writer, DJ and founder of the running group Run Dem Crew (RDC).

How does it differ from a regular running crew?

Running clubs are traditionally concerned with times and performance, whereas Run Dem Crew is concerned with community and the well being of the individual. In fact running is the least important part of what we do. We are a family of creatives who meet to explore the streets of London whilst providing opportunities for the younger generation through mentoring, work experience and the achievement of dreams.

How did Nike get involved?

I've had a relationship with the brand for many years, so when the idea for RDC came about they were my first port of call.

Do you think groups like yours are important for communities?

A support network is important for any community, particularly in a city such as London where day to day life can be lonely and hard. RDC is doing its small part to make life a little easier for those we come into contact with.

What are the benefits of running in a group over training alone?


Do you use technology on your runs?

Yes. If it wasn't for Nike+ I would never have begun running in a serious way,  and there would be no crew.

What benefits of this type of quantified self technology do you see for running?

The training partner in your pocket is as important as the Johnny Bravo shouting at you in the gym.