For our latest Travel Journal we selected our favourite new publishers and asked them what they make of the future of travel. Here's Marcus Gaab from the awesome travel publication, Endless.

Tell us about yourself.  

We are a design and publishing family business based in Berlin.

What is Endless-Magazine?  

ENDLESS is a new high end and sophisticated modern travelling magazine with a very personal approach.  The idea came during a family road trip some years ago. Blogging was not as big as it is today, at least not in our lives, but we supplied a personal mailing list with frequent illustrated updates on our trip. The mailing list included some editor friends, and we got great feedback, with some people even asking for a book of our diary. Some years later we managed to turn this idea into a new form of travel magazine.

Why did you choose to focus on travel?  

We realised that there were very few independent travel magazines on the market. Travelling is such an important factor for everyone, not only for the creative industry. We all have to be quite mobile in our business life, and travelling is very important for inspiration, research and keeping your vision broad. It’s the most efficient and holistic way to get inspired.

How does it differ from other travel magazines?  

Like all the magazines we make, we don’t just channel information, we experience everything we publish. We can not only prove what we show, but we also give it a more believable quality by making it more personal. This is something we recycled from blogging culture and the internet.

How important is the experience of travel over the actual destination?  

Travel is experience. Any travel. As long as it involves a certain amount of openness towards change. Change is good. There are amazing places on this planet that should not be missed. And even if you make it around the world and need to start over again, everything would be different. That´s why the world is ENDLESS.

Do you think people are travelling differently nowadays?  

The possibilities for travel have changed. With the internet you have the feeling you don´t need to physically travel to see things and do things as much. I think the process of travelling has also changed, with far less reliance on travel agents. People now rely on sources they trust to give them curated information about where to go.

How will the travel experience evolve in the next 5 years?  

Catalyzed by the internet I believe it will become a more personal experience and will become even more social than it is today. You just need to look to the success of sharing platforms such as Airbnb which provides an all new dimension of social interaction in regards to hospitality to see how this will evolve.