Interactive Music Battle
A device and app that uses dancing to create the music, rather than the other way round

Developed by Parisian studio Phonotonic, Interactive Music Battle offers an entirely new way to make music. At its essence, IMB is a game which connects two devices to an app via WiFi. The app tracks the movements of the devices, held by users, and turns the movement data into music in realtime, creating an impromptu soundtrack to keep you moving. Amping up the gaming element, players can unlock sound combos with exaggerated actions and special moves, while finished compositions can be uploaded directly online and shared with friends. The appeal of IMB lies in its simplicity - both functionally and aesthetically - it's silicon-bodied devices relying only on and movement to create original music. By focusing on the 'battling' component between two users, Phonotonic hope to bring conviviality back to digital technology.
Interactive Music Battle is currently awaiting funding on Kickstarter - you can pledge here.