Doppler Labs launch wireless ear buds that can alter your soundscape

The Here Active Listening System is a new form of audio technology made up of two wireless ear buds and an accompanying smartphone app. Here's makers, Doppler Labs are keen to stress that these are not high-tech headphones; Here in fact "allows you to instantly control real world audio so you can hear what you want to hear."

In order to do so, users manipulate a volume control, equalizer and a set of predefined effects. Here boasts a variety of filters which allow you to "Instagram your ears", overlaying the sounds you hear with EQ settings. The team at Doppler are targeting music fans who want to optimize their listening experience at concerts and in stadiums, but Here can also block out certain unwelcome frequencies such as those emitted by jet engines and crying babies.

Here is currently running a Kickstarter campaign, and a pledge of $179 will secure you a pair of the buds. Doppler says that Here is still in the early stages of a planned series of "hearables" which they say will augment our sense of hearing, as well as protecting our ears from the ever louder world around us.

Wearable technology continues to evolve, from the smart digital tattoos of Project Underskin to devices such as Cur which actively improves the wearer's health. Until now, wearable audio tech has not developed at the same pace as other sectors, but perhaps Here may herald a growing interest in such technology.