Inspiration Corridor is a retail concept that alters the mall experience by giving consumers personalised style advice consisting of items that can be found inside the building.

The corridor works by scanning each visitor through an infrared Kinect camera which analyses the user’s sex, age group and style. The device then provides individuals with the option to scan a recently purchased item to receive suggestions for matching products.

Based on all the collected data, each user is presented with a personalised virtual shop window of recommended products. Shoppers can make a narrower selection of products they’re interested in, which is synchronised to their phone. A mobile application will then physically guide them through the stores that carry their selection in the mall.

Inspiration Corridor manages to make window-shopping personalised and less time-consuming, while still allowing shoppers to explore and select freely. The concept is the result of a collaboration between Digitas LBi Labs, a technology-driven innovation imprint of the global marketing agency, and Klépierre, a European real estate company.

Other concepts that we’ve seen integrate the digital and physical aspects of retail in the past include Retrosuperfuture’s phy-gital store and Avenue Imperial.