Most people don’t really like it when someone watches over their shoulder as they draw. It is usually seen as an intimate activity, reserved for the studio or home environment. But New York-based interactive artist Adriá Navarro celebrates the idea of having an audience as one draws. With his new installation, Inkscapes, he enlisted three artists who create drawings on the iPads during the show.
Their artworks are then scaled up to appear on the giant 120 by 11 ft video wall in front of them. The content of the installation is, therefore, different every time. While the lines and swerves on the screen retain a traditional feel of an ink drawing, they are also augmented by glitches giving the whole process a slightly surreal feel.
Adria Navarro wanted to explore the idea of a drawing becoming a performance in itself, while also creating a dialog between the artist and the viewer. The installation can be seen at Frank Gehry’s InterActive Corps (IAC) building in New York.