Blame it on our proverbial stiff upper lips or perhaps we’re just an unaffectionate lot, but apparently ethnologists have proven that the people of Britain touch each other the least, compared to every other country in the world.

This is a shame as neuroscientists have proven that little incidental touches such as holding hands, a pat on the back or a caress of the arm are good for human wellbeing. These interactions not only improve relations but can calm cardiovascular stress, reduce symptoms of depression in patients with Alzheimer’s and even increase weight gain in premature babies. In fact, holding hands is the most effective way to release the ‘happiness’ neurochemical oxytocin, so it seems we’re missing a trick.

To change this, a team from London based advertising agency Wieden+Kennedyhave created a giant gaming interface, ‘In Your Hands,’ that only works when the user holds hands with their playing partner. It's a nice example of an agency combining the physical with the digital in a way that promotes genuine human interaction.