In The Wild
An art project for Falty DL's upcoming album will see the public evolving its audio and visual through collaborative refilming
Although the medium through which we experience music has been subject to change, the basic listening experience has largely remained the same. With the exception of the music video and then the internet, as consumers we mostly use our eyes and ears and leave it at that.
Now Ninjatune's FaltyDL is set to subvert the way audio, video and the spaces we inhabit, intersect and relate. Teaming up with Chris Shen, (who you may remember held a great exhibition at Protein's old Hewett Street space last year) the two have worked on a joint art project for the In The Wild album which hopes to open up these experiences in uniquely collaborative new ways.
Members of the public will be encouraged to re-film a series of videos in whatever place or time they encounter them, which will then be uploaded on FaltyDL's Facebook timeline. The concept is that with each re-filming, the end result is a step removed from the original, evolving the visuals and sound further "into the wild".
Four original films will be shot in four different locations, the first featuring the WAFFLE dance crew in New York City. Check out a Soundcloud stream of "Do Me" here.