In Galera is a new restaurant that combines social responsibility with hospitality, which, except for the chef and head waiter, is staffed entirely by prisoners. Bollate prison in Milan now features a unique offering to all of its residents and non-residents alike. In Galera is a new restaurant which has opened up on the premises of the penitentiary, blending hospitality and social responsibility.

Except for the chef and head waiter, the restaurant is staffed entirely by inmates. From their point of incarceration, inmates are encouraged to find work within the prison and apply for freedom passes which allow them to work outside the prison, too.

In Galeria provides their employees with a basic salary package that can be transferred to family members outside of the prison or saved for use while on special leave. The project aims to challenge the stigmas associated with the incarcerated and provide workers with a sense of worth, as well as prepare them for the transition to normality upon their release.

As consumers quickly become more conscious of their social and ethical footprint brands are beginning to catch up, and the food industry is making waves. Tiny Leaf is London's first zero waste restaurant and Denmark's WeFood supermarket stocks only expired food in a bid to save the environment and their customers' cash.