San Franciscan street-artist Hugh Leeman has handed out disposable cameras to homeless people and created a mural using their photographs. This mural is Leeman’s response to artist and TED prize winner JR’s global art project ‘Inside Out’ which we recently featured, where the public is invited to take photographs, upload them online, receive print-outs, and paste these prints up in their local communities. Leeman typically communicates stories from street culture by collaborating with its inhabitants and drawing inspiration from residents of less privileged neighbourhoods. He works closely with people in order to tell their stories and offer them a voice and a face in society through thoughtful projects such as this. The video above shows the process behind the creation of his mural in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district.   The Inside Out project creates a dialogue between the public, the artist and the subject, by offering a common space for members of communities to display their art and spread their messages. It is interesting to see a project that is driven by public participation on such a large scale.