We hope you had fun last Saturday. We certainly did. The weather held out, (a lot) of prizes were won – courtesy of the numerous generous donations, drinks were drunk and plenty of seriously delicious food was eaten. Whether you were chucking your coconuts around at Fountain of Youth's Bust-a-Nut game or relaxing on top of the Rum Shack on the roof of Rockwell House, everyone had a great time.

The plethora of DJs, organised by the always terrific NTS, kept the party atmosphere bumping long into the evening, and the bar, serving a range of craft beers, ales and cocktails was rammed with more partygoers than even last year.

A massive thank you to everybody who made it possible, from the donations to the tombola stand, to the market stalls and the DJs, and most of all, thanks to everyone that came. Because of you, we were able to raise a considerable pile of cash for local charity, the Hackney Pirates. Good job everybody, see you all next year.