Solving global problems may seem too big a challenge for a single individual, however designer Alexandr Kostin's thinks otherwise. His latest project, currently in stage 4 of Electrolux Design Lab competition, is the Hand Tree. Looking like a bangle from Buzz Lightyears' jewelry case, it's based on the principle of photosynthesis. Detecting polluted air particles in the wearer's surroundings, it filters it so that a small atmosphere of clear air develops around the wearer.

The body of the bangle is made of an eco plastic called Biograde, the inside an eco friendly leather immitation. It can me operated via touch screen and control panel that changes colors depending on the filter's status.

Kostin's Hand Tree embodies a meaningful symbiosis of nature and technology. Eventually, if everyone of us took care of his individual atmosphere maybe we'll be much closer solving the global pollution problem.